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About Akiyo Kodera

Certified EFT Coach

I've always felt a strong calling to help others, which led me to a career in the nonprofit, health research, and academic fields. However, as I approached my late 30s, I began to feel uncertain about the future of my career. At the same time, I was facing recurring stress and anxiety from challenges in my personal and social life, which eventually started affecting my physical health. I couldn’t shake the feeling that my emotional struggles were deeply connected to my well-being, and I knew I needed to address them.


I tried various approaches to find relief, but the effects were always temporary. I realized that to make a meaningful change, I needed to address these challenges directly.


This led me to discover the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), which marked the beginning of an unexpected journey of healing and transformation. EFT not only helped alleviate my stress and anxiety but also brought about changes in myself and my life that I never imagined possible. I came to understand how deeply our emotional challenges and their root causes impact our mind, body, and daily life. I also became more aware of how being a sensitive and empathic person had amplified these experiences.


Now, my focus is on supporting other sensitive and empathic individuals in finding resolution to their emotional challenges and creating lives that feel connected and fulfilling.


As part of this work, I also offer group and joint coaching for those who identify with the traits of Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs). You can learn more about this at


While I’m based in Brunswick, Maine, I work with clients from all over the world. I grew up in the U.S. and Japan and speak both English and Japanese.


Education and Training

  • BS in Communication Studies, New York University

  • Post-bacc in Psychology, Hunter College, City University of New York

  • EFT International Accredited Certification, EFT Tapping Training Institute

  • Certification in Reiki I, II, and II-Advanced, The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing

  • Specialized training in EFT for physical issues, trauma-informed methods, and Matrix Reimprinting

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