Free Initial Conversation
Meet with me for a friendly 30-minute chat and to find out whether or not you'd like to have me as a partner in resolving the discomfort, anxiety, or stress in your life. Please know that I believe that each person has an approach and person that works best for them for their situation. If you find that I'm not a good match for you, I'm happy to share resources and suggestions to help you find what works for you. Either way, these chats are a wonderful chance to connect and to get to know each other.
We can meet online or in person, whichever you prefer. All that's needed for an online consultation is a web browser on your computer, or a free Google Meet app on your mobile device. In-person consultations are held at my office at 136 Maine St, Fl 2, Ste 4 in downtown Brunswick, Maine.
Start by selecting an online or in-person consultation below so that it's highlighted in green. Select your time zone, date, and time, and submit the form.
If you have difficulty finding a suitable time, please contact me with your general availability and your preference for meeting online or in person, and I will get back to you.