What Makes
Living In Clarity Different
You work towards solving your challenges instead of simply coping with them
In my coaching, I use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), a powerful holistic therapeutic approach. Clinically proven to reduce stress and anxiety, EFT engages your mind and body in a process that promotes emotional release and healing. By combining EFT and skillful coaching tailored specifically to you, I guide you through a journey of self-discovery and healing to help you to uncover and resolve the root causes and core issues underlying your emotional challenges. This results in profound shifts in your emotional well-being and lasting resolution to your challenges.
If you're tired of coping with feelings of discomfort, stress, or anxiety in your personal, social, and/or work life that never seem to go away, and maybe has even felt like they're just part of life you have to deal with, our work helps you solve those challenges so you no longer have to cope with them.
You gain the ability to make changes that you want to make, but feel held back from making them
Sometimes we know intellectually that we can feel, think, or act differently to create changes in our lives, but we just aren't able to because a part of us doesn't feel emotionally comfortable with making those changes. Because EFT works on an emotional and physical level, if you feel uncomfortable with creating change, our work helps you overcome those emotional hurdles.
You gain and embody your own insights and wisdom
Nothing is more powerful than the insights and wisdom you gain from yourself. If you've been seeking insight and perspective from books, articles, videos, podcasts, etc. but haven't been able to integrate them into your life, our work enables you to not only gain but to embody newfound insights and wisdom from your unique and specific experiences.
We work collaboratively as partners
My philosophy as a coach is based on my belief that we each have our own journey. There is no right or wrong to where you are in your personal journey or where you want to go or not go. My role is to support you in whichever way you'd like to take in our work by listening, gently guiding, and holding a safe, non-judgmental, loving space. I honor and respect your experiences and your individuality, and being self-empowered is an important part of our work together.
More About Coaching
​Coaching is a process that involves offering perspectives, insights, and guidance to clients. The aim is to help clients deepen their understanding of themselves and their challenges, especially as sensitive and empathic individuals, and empower them to create their own path for overcoming these challenges. My coaching approach is collaborative with the client rather than directive or prescriptive. Clients are encouraged and empowered to set their own goals and make decisions that align with their needs and desires. The coaching process is personalized to support clients in achieving their goals.
More About EFT
The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are a powerful therapeutic approach used to transform and rewire unpleasant or unhelpful emotional responses, thought patterns, and beliefs. It is a holistic and innovative method that integrates elements of psychology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and mind-body connections.
During a session using EFT, individuals are guided to tap on specific acupressure points on their body while simultaneously focusing on emotions, thoughts, and/or sensations associated with specific challenging experiences. The tapping has a calming effect on the body. When this is combined with mindful awareness of a specific challenge, a counterconditioning process occurs, whereby the original emotional reaction to the challenge is replaced with a more positive and balanced state. The beauty of EFT is not only in its ability to quickly relieve distress, but also in its ability to create greater clarity and understanding of self.
While different styles of "tapping" and EFT are used by various therapeutic practitioners as tools for changing emotional states, I'm certified in the clinical method of EFT. As a certified clinical EFT coach, I'm able to use EFT to help you uncover and resolve the root causes and core issues underlying your specific emotional challenges, resulting in profound shifts in your emotional well-being. In addition, I use a careful, tailored approach, understanding that each sensitive and empathic individual has differences in the way they experience their thoughts and emotions.
Clinical EFT has been shown through numerous studies to be effective in reducing stress and anxiety and alleviating a range of other psychological and physiological conditions, including depression and PTSD.* For example, a study in 2020 showed that a 60-minute EFT session led to a 43% decrease in cortisol, the hormone that is released in the body in response to stress.
*Please note that I am not a licensed health care professional, and EFT is not a substitute for medical or mental health treatment. Should you have a medical or mental health condition, please consult a licensed healthcare professional.
Other Techniques: Matrix Reimprinting
Our work together may or may not include the use of Matrix Reimprinting depending on the specific challenge being addressed. Matrix Reimprinting is a technique that uses EFT to transform limiting beliefs that developed as a result of past experiences. Matrix Reimprinting is a gentle technique that allows one to revisit these experiences indirectly. By revisiting these experiences, clients often discover what has been the root cause(s) of a limiting belief such as not feeling good enough, always feeling responsible for others, or any other beliefs that hold them back from their full potential and well-being.